Cryptocurrency Is — In recent years, the popularity of Bitcoin is on the rise and is the talk of many people. Bitcoin is an example of cryptocurrency or digital currency. In the digital era like now, using digital currency in various virtual transactions is commonplace. In fact, not a few people are interested in investing in cryptocurrency. Even though this investment is paying off, there are still signs that you need to pay attention to before buying digital currency. Come on, first get to know what cryptocurrency is in the financial world. Bitcoin’s popularity is now very good, because Elon Musk has entered the Crypto world. Now I will give one of the good ICO projects for the future which is Qwertycoin.
What is Qwertycoin?
Qwertycoin is a “real decentralized community Cryptocurrency”, a “decentralized digital asset” like Bitcoin. “Nobody owns or controls Qwertycoin”. Qwertycoin is a a decentralized peer to peer protocal for safe payment and communication worldwide, Safe Simple Seamles Secure.
One of Qwertycoin’s main goals is to make things as simple and as accessible as possible for everyday people, creating a cryptocurrency that is inviting, fun, and friendly. Qwertycoin’s code is forked from the Karbowanec and Bytecoin code, and it has majorly the same privacy features you’ll find in Monero and Aeon. Every transaction is private.
Some of the main features of Qwertycoin include:
On-chain privacy
On-chain voting
On-chain trading
Genesis Reference Block
Only eight decimal places
Fast transactions
User-centric developers
Encrypted Blockchain Messenger
Easy to mine and fair rewards
Easy to use
Amazing community
Open-Source Platform
Qwertycoin is a “decentralized” currency based on an “Open-Source” CryptoNote “Platform”. Everyone can build and participate.
Decentralized Community
Qwertycoin is “not” a private company funded through an ICO or pre-mining. Development is supported by its own “Community”.
Democracy and Privacy
Members can participate in important “community decisions” via voting. Qwertycoin is totally “untraceable and anonymous”.
Egalitarian Proof of Work (EPoW)
CryptoNote Technology brings the voting equality through “Egalitarian Proof of Work” that utilizes for mining algorithm.
Ultra-Fast Transaction
Transaction speeds are “Ultra-Fast” compared to other coins. Our technology allows fast transaction confirmation times.
Egalitarian Proof of Service (EPoSe)
Qwertycoin’s transaction fee distribution among “Masternodes” based on Uptime as a measure of “Service”.

Qwertycoin Releases
Get the latest release from Qwertycoin — Mobile Wallet, Web Wallet, Paper Wallet, Zero Wallet, GUI Wallet, CLI Wallet and our Voting Platform!
Coin Specifications:
Coin Name : Qwertycoin
Ticker : QWC
Type : 0% Premined Decentralized Community
Cryptography : CryptoNote V2.0
Proof Type : EPow (Egalitarian Proof of Work)
Mining Algorithm : Cryptonight
Difficulty Algorithm : CIMA + CLIF, Adjusted every block
Blocktime : 120 seconds
Tx Hash : Instant
Required Confirmations : 10 confirmations
Total Number of Coins : 184,467,440,737 QWC
Coin Decimals : 1/10000000 (0.00000001)
QWC Block Reward : Decrease by each block
Dev. Language : C++
If you are interested in this project, you can follow it at
Website: https://qwertycoin.orgBitcointalk
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2881418.0
Explorer: https://explorer.qwertycoin.orgPool
Explorer: https://explorer.qwertycoin.org/#networkNode
Map: https://nodes.qwertycoin.orgWalletshttps://releases.qwertycoin.orgWeb Wallet: https://myqwertycoin.comMasternode
Setup: https://github.com/qwertycoin-org/qwertycoin/wiki
Blockfolio: https://blockfolio.com/#get-app
CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/qwertycoin
Delta: https://delta.app
Discord: https://qwertycoin.org/discord
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qwertycoin_QWC
Author: mbe48